Self-rejection is a significant stronghold and not easy to overcome, but with the right help, some determination, and, of course, God, you can be free from its bondage. The way you start to break self-rejection is to break internal agreements and establish new godly agreements and belief systems.
Here are some questions to ask when you are alone:
Are your thoughts mostly kind to yourself, or are they hostile, rude, and judgmental?
Is there a ton of internal conflict?
Do you have a hard time accepting how you look or your appearance?
Do you waste time comparing yourself to other people?
Do you feel like you are never good enough?
Are you the hardest on yourself when going through a hard time?
Are your thoughts mostly patient, or are they perfectionistic and impatient?
Emphasis and Strategy
1. Looking down on yourself cannot be tolerated anymore
2. Love opens the door for change
3. Take every self-rejecting thought captive
4. Believe that you are loved by God
5. Begin practicing self-affirmation
6. Start loving others out of the love you receive from God
Self-Rejection Prayer
I ask You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, that You would help me learn to recognise the ways of self-rejection in my life. Rejection in all its forms is no longer welcome in my life. Please, Lord, release me from this burden and fill my heart with love and self-affirmation rooted in the scriptures and godly validation. Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that your love is for me; it's unconditional. Therefore, I don’t have to question the truth of what the scriptures say about me. I come out of agreement with the patterns that are driven by self-rejection.
Forgive me Lord if I have come into agreement unknowingly with this distorted view of myself, about You and Your love for me. Correct my spiritual vision so that I can see and receive from You and others the way it is intended. Help me to value who I am, without a self-judgment scale attached. Lord, You made me to celebrate what You made. Help me to appreciate, accept, affirm, and acknowledge what You create in me.
I prophetically proclaim that I am and will grow in acceptance of myself. I am growing in being more loving towards myself and others. Help me walk in confidence and boldness. I tear down self-rejection and all its evil attachments. Now, Lord Jesus, release me from the programming of self-rejection that I keep falling into. Help me to love myself as You love me. Forgive me for questioning Your love for me. Forgive me for questioning the scriptures that openly reveal Your love for me.
I speak to every part of myself that holds this belief system of self-rejection. It is time to let it go. My childhood is in the past; as Paul said, “When he was a child, he talked like a child, he thought like a child, he reasoned like a child, but when he became a man, he put the ways of childhood behind him”. I reach forward for what God has for me in the future. I prophesy over my future, as Elijah prophesied over the dead bones, that in my future, I am validated, and I recognise my self-worth. In the future, I will not question what the Bible says about me. I accept it and am going to feel it on the inside, in my spirit. I am secure in who I am without needing an achievement, a perfect result, a perfect conversation. I will not question what I said or what I should have said; I will put my trust in God even for the words that will come out of my mouth.
I break this programming over my mind, spirit, soul, and emotions. I ask You, Jesus, to pull rejection up by the roots, like an abominable branch and tree rooted in the devil's mindset, in the tree of death. It has no place in my life, it has no place in the scriptures, and I ask the Lord to uproot this tree of death and whatever ancestral blood or iniquities it feeds off in Jesus' name. Lord, grant me access to drink from the river of life. You said, “Anyone who is thirsty, come to You and drink.” I ask You to completely sever this root of rejection and sever it completely, removing the stump so that it can never grow and become established in my life again.
I fall out of agreement with any ancestral mindsets of self-rejection that have come through my DNA. I release any trauma I am carrying through ancestral soul bonds that are feeding from the tree of rejection, and I ask You to replace this with God’s love. Their pain is not my pain, and I release it to the Lord. I am who I am in Christ Jesus; it is unquestionable, and it should not be altered; this is the way it has been established before time began, before the foundations of the earth. You knew my unformed substance; I was knitted together in my mother’s womb. I declare together that Your scriptures are established, and these rejected thoughts will pass away, but Your Words will never pass away. I proclaim that these thoughts will pass away.
I speak death on the rejection mindset to be replaced by self-acceptance in Christ, loving my neighbor as I love myself, and loving myself as Jesus loves me. This rejection stronghold and its sister of self-pity will die, and it will perish as I strive for the imperishable crown. I proclaim over my spirit today that this imperishable crown I will strive for is attainable, achievable, and only requires perfection through Jesus Christ.
I renounce the lie that to achieve the imperishable crown; I need to do it through my own works, my own efforts, and my own perfection. The truth is that only God will perfect me in His perfect time when I pass on to the next life or am raptured. Lord, this truth counteracts every lie that it is in my own works that perfection is established.
This is only done through the work of Jesus Christ. I will no longer tolerate thoughts and feelings that diminish or devalue who I am.
I can do all things through Christ Jesus. Amen
This prayer was written by Selwyn Van Wyk one of our ministry partners under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is presented as ‘copyright’ to discourage the use of the prayer and information for personal gain.
© Unseen Realm