I just wanted to share something today with you to encourage you.
I don't know about you, but there are days when everything that has to be done just seems to just be too much. We have a mix of our personal lives, our children, our jobs, our businesses, our ministries and whatever else we are active in. Sometimes I just want to be a mom and a wife or I just want to go sit on the beach and look at the waves or just sit and read a good book because I have nothing else to do.
But often, our lives do not allow for this and if there is a specific calling on your life, your responsibility is even greater. If we just sit on the beach all day, we not going to get to the end of the race. All of us are called to do great things for the Kingdom in different ways, and it requires discipline, perseverance and faith. Most of all, it requires full faith and trust in God as we co-labour with Him. If we do not co-labour with Him, then we labour in vain. And that goes for our lives in general and not only in our callings or assignments. Sometimes, even if we are not sure yet what our purpose and calling are, He is using our circumstances to lead us there. He is creating opportunities for us to grow so that He can entrust to us what He has planned for us.
Remember, it's not a sign of weakness to take a day off. In fact, it's an important part of self-care. We all need those days to recharge and refresh. But if God has called you to something, to build something or do something that is beyond you, trust Him to be there with you and let Him lead and guide you and help you. Just as He does in our every day lives, the greater things He has called you to, He will oversee if you let Him. We are His workmanship, and therefore, He knows the plan and purpose He has for you. He knows the resources He has laid out for you and if you let Him, He will work with you to make it happen.
So, if you are growing weary or feel like giving up, don't! That is exactly what the enemy wants you to do. Have your moment, cry a little, go to the beach, have that ice-cream, but then get up and go again! This life is but a vapour, as the word of God says, so let us be brave and strong as sons and daughters of God so we can redeem the time we have and plunder the gates of the enemy in the strength of our God!
"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" Number 23v19
Be encouraged today!!