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Transmitting the Kingdom

Tammy Bruni

How do we bring Kingdom to our communities?

This is a question I was recently asked to ponder for a community platform I belong to.

I often share on my bio for community workshops "the health of each community depends on the health of each individual". We need each other to be able to heal, build relationships, and build networks that can create healthy communities.

As I pondered this question and spent time in prayer, I felt that asking the Holy Spirit this question about bringing the kingdom into our communities led to a challenge to think about our own lives. Are we building each other up, are we supporting each other - not when others are looking but when people are not looking? Do our private lives reflect what we profess and want to transmit?

Kingdom is not something we bring; it is something we need to live. It has to be present in our lives before we can transmit it successfully. We need to have an understanding of what kingdom is and what our place is in God's kingdom. And that it is inside of us. We need to learn through others who already have the keys to this and allow ourselves to be challenged where religious views influence our thinking.

Many of us want to do good things in the community and transform communities. But are our own lives transformed? Yes, I know this is a process, but are we living the kingdom in our day-to-day lives - can our friends, spouses, children, families, etc., see our lives as an example? Even if we are not there yet, do we live what we want to see?

We cannot transform communities if we ourselves cannot be authentic about the state of our own lives. Can we examine our lives before going into communities to explore what needs changing? We need to consider that we are continually trading - Satan was cast out of heaven, and part of that was his trading defiled the heavens. What do we trade into that defiles? Can we trade into communities knowing there is no defilement in our trading? Because it is all a trade at the end of the day. 

If we are living and operating by kingdom principles, we will have a blueprint from which to build. Have we entered the Kingdom? Are we able to enter that realm to receive the blueprint for our lives and our communities? 

In the Hebrew belief system, there is no divide between this world and the kingdom, the secular and the sacred - it is all the same and an extension of the dimension of Yahweh.  

Unity is a huge key here - everything flows in unity - think of Ephesians 4v16 - we are all joints knit together that supply the body of Christ.

So how are some ways we can live kingdom?

Worship ushers in the presence of God - do our lives and actions worship God? Are our lives worshipping Him - our relationships, our actions, finances, work, marriage , etc? 

If we have been given the keys to the kingdom - are we entering in, are we seeking?

Are we opening doors for others - making a way for them through what we do? Or is it about being seen to be opening the doors - not for them but for our credit?

Are we drawing the kingdom into our realm by our partnership with the King of the Kingdom? Living our lives according to His commandments and His will. 

How are we engaging the kingdom? 

Mark 1:15  “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Jesus starts His ministry by saying that the kingdom of God is at hand. Think about this - at hand - it is right by us. We have access and can step in. It is confirmed by the scripture below.

Luke 17:20-21 “Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, “See here!” or “See there!” For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.’”

Jesus says here that the Kingdom of God is not a physical territory but a spiritual reality that exists within the hearts of those who believe. Are we nurturing that within us - do we enter in so we can get the understanding of what we need to transmit?

1 Corinthians 4:20 “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.”

Paul highlights here that the kingdom is demonstrated not just through words but through the power of God working in our lives as believers.

So, if we are to bring kingdom to our communities, it would be to seek the kingdom first, and all these things will be added. If we have revelation, we can live, teach and transmit what we know. We can then empower others and communities to grow in this. We can raise change agents that can seek and grow and transmit, and so it will multiply.

Just some food for thought today!

May you be blessed in the mighty name of Yeshua!

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